Welcome to my web page
Fix My Toy is My hobby dedicated to the repair and restoration of vintage Electronics.
I’ve been repairing electronic and electro-mechanical machines since the late 60’s. I’ve also spent 30+ years designing computers and other electronic devices. I hold 8 Patents on inventions I created as a solutions to technical problems.
More details on my career are on my linked in page here http://www.linkedin.com/in/bobtrottier
I have been repairing and restoring jukeboxes for fun for the last few years and created this site to share this hobby with my friends.
I can be reached at 978 886 2016
Some recent projects
Rockola Rockola Wall mounted jukeboxes One on left weighs >300Lb
- Wurlitzer 1015 as found
- Wurlitzer in process
- Wurlitzer 1015 Af ter
Recent Wurlitzer 1015
Repaired mechanism Rebuilt Amp Repaired selector assy Refinished cabinet Replaced all plastics Refinished all metal
Latest Update
Some nice Wurlitzers
What does Wang have to do with Jukeboxes??? click Wang Logo
These are some other examples of machines I’ve owned or repaired (many more on other pages)
Repair of Jukeboxes, stereos, Just about anything if (If its interesting and a learning experience I’ll take it on)